
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

HIIT the perfect spot

Like many others, picking up the jumprope was influenced by my desire for greater fat loss. I had previously heard about programs and how they could “transform” you in 30 days. After jumping for a few weeks and trying a variety of workouts, I found the perfect HIIT. HIIT(high intensity interval training) is found to be more effective in burning fat than standard steady-rate cardio. It works by quickly alternating from high intensity to low intensity (i.e. sprinting for 30 seconds then jogging for 15 seconds) which can even burn fat hours after the workout. HIIT workouts aren’t long, so you get a little pain for a lot of gain. Through this type of training, I have seen an increase of my v02max from 49.18 ml/kg/min to a current 53.37 ml/kg/min; I hope to continue increasing my v02max, and to have a better performance on the track. For my jump roping, I’ll be showing tricks and routines that I have learned in the upcoming weeks. Getting better at any skill isn’t easy, so remind yourself keep going and push through the days where you don’t want to put in work.

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