
Monday, November 16, 2015

Monday Wellness Reflection

Monday Wellness Reflection

My partner Mary and I chose the topic of running because we are both in track and share a passion for the sport of running. It was a topic we both had experience with and would be comfortable talking about in front of an audience. From our presentation I learned more about public speaking and trying different ways to engage the audience rather than just blurting about a bunch of facts. However, during my research time I learned the connection between my bio class and anatomy with the cellular respiration, breakdown of glucose and creating atp. The ap bio class is super detailed and never looks at the big picture, and so it was nice to see the bigger picture for once and understand the little details too. When I run, I don’t run to reap benefits of any kind,; I purely run because I enjoy running and have a drive to become faster. During this research time period I actually learned a lot by reading articles about how it can actually benefit my health and prevent cancers, along with mental illnesses. Running is key to health and wellness because it is under one of the five pillars of health which is exercise. It uses full body motion and activates many muscles along with the whole circulatory system and makes the heart stronger. For our presentation I would give myself a solid 8 or 9 because I think we hit a lot of major points in running and went into detail for our explanations. We did not read off the page the whole time and talked more about certain topics that were not written on the page. Our transitions were pretty smooth, and we were victorious in keeping  the class’s attention on a Monday morning with a video of me running. The video was actually Mary’s idea since my table group mates thought it would be funny to write my name down on the Monday wellness discussion when we asked for favorite runners. The video idea was actually somewhat of a joke to me, until I presented and realized it was not too bad. Our presentation went by a little too quickly maybe and could have been longer, but otherwise it went well. For our activity many people were not properly dressed for running, although a decent number of people commented on the discussion. The drills that i taught on the field would have been better for someone more motivated to “learn” in a sense, but I wasn’t mad. The stride jog stride walk lap we did was fine and people got moving, however, when it came to the 400m race i realized I had not warmed up enough, which sucked a little. I wasn’t always a running enthusiast, and actually hated running as many of my peers do. I started in sports as a swimmer and then moved onto basketball and reluctantly settled with running after my parents made me quit basketball. When I was a freshman I was actually signed up for basketball and was in sports p.e. but ended up not trying out. It was a senior that actually sparked my interest in joining track with his intense training that I loved from basketball. I relived the feeling of pushing my limits to the max again and became determined to prove I could be just as fast as anyone. I never skip leg day.

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