
Thursday, November 12, 2015

Unit 3 reflection

This unit was on cardiovascular health, and how staying or becoming healthy is the very important. The cardiovascular system works by allowing blood to circulate throughout the body. The left ventricle in the heart pumps oxygenated blood through the aortic valve then into the aorta, which brings the blood to the rest of the body though the arteries, and the from the veins.

 Cardiovascular health is how healthy the heart is. It is sometimes easy forget that taking care of the heart is very important, and failure to do so can lead to  heart related problems. However, it's not just the heart that is important, the body is important as a whole. Genetics, drinking alcohol, and little exercise can all lead to hypertension. Hypertension leads to atherosclerosis, and eventually a stroke.

Exercise is a great way to prevent cardiovascular disease and strengthen the heart. Exercising can lower high blood pressure, and make the heart stronger. Personally, I run 3-4 times a week and occasionally do some weightlifting.

Self growth.

I have learned during this unit that living alone is extremely hard, and it throws my whole body out of its
normal system. I wake up earlier and sleep later, purely because I now have to make my own meals, clean the house, and prepare for the next day. This affected me the most when it came to school because there were days that I did not have time to complete my homework or study and therefore did not understand what was going on in class;I was just too tired. In this anatomy class I was successful in getting enough sleep to pay attention in class, but I really need to step my work. The class is generally interesting which helps; this past week we did a sheep heart dissection which we are not done with yet, but is going pretty good. My group members, which I all became good friends with, worked smoothly, and had a great time examining the sheep heart with a little help from my teacher Mr. Orre.  

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