
Monday, May 9, 2016

20 time reflection

Throughout 20 time this year, I challenged myself to be more persistent than I ever had been before. I casually start many things, but won't finish them due to a lack of ambition and drive. I wanted a success story. Coming off a small setback before track, I urgently needed to jump back in shape, and after a little research I thought jumping rope would do the job. Jumproping burn fat fast, and increases stamina. While getting in shape, I wanted to add a little fun and mix it up but doing tricks and different routines. I hoped to build jumproping skills that I can use in my training for not just this period of time. I started by mapping out a basic agenda requiring me to learn and repeat basic movements over and over so I could quickly build a decent foundation and move onto harder skills. After every other week, I would test my increase in stamina by running a timed mile and then calculating my v02 max through a online calculator. Although I didn't really "fail" my challenge, I was not able to reach my end goal due to another pull in my hamstring forcing me to step back and recover. I actually went all the way to therapy and still am seeing a physical therapist. I view this as more of a life-long goal because, as I learned, jumproping is not as easy as it looks, and moves can take more than a week to be able to be consistently performed. I feel half remorse and half grief about my own project, because I did perform enough, and I got hurt in the process. Looking back, if I was given a second chance to start over, I would not start until I have 99% of my details sorted out and had a solid idea of what it would look like. I do see myself rumping rope in the future for exercise and to increase my speed; it can take my training to a new level.

For my TED talk outline I want to start with maybe a quick video of either running(which was my end goal: to run faster) or buddy lee jump roping. In the middle I'll fill in with muscle movement, V02max, therapy, pillars of health, and basic points we learned this school year; however, I'm still a little shaky on how I want to end it.

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