
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Unit 1 relfection

From this unit I learned valuable information about my body and how it works. I've been injured many times, and each time I was more angry with myself, but I never cared about what was happening to my body. Each time my leg got inflamed, I was frustrated and immediately went to ice it. What I now realize is that everytime that happened, I should have been extremely happy that my body was giving me a warning, and to stop whatever exercise I was doing. Now that I have a more in-depth understanding of how my body's healing process works, I'll learn to appreciate the road back more. 

In the beginning of our first unit we learned many of the essentials, such as how to name body parts that were closer or father away from a certain place. After learning the basics we moved on swiftly onto subjects such as the four biological molecules, and eventually transitioned into different types of tissue.

Something I did not quite grasp was the way all the different parts work in the cell such as the vesicles, rough er, and cytoskeleton. It was hard for me the learn them and understand each individual function. Next unit I will try to ask more questions and really try to understand how things work, and why they work.

Many physical therapists work with patients who are recovering, and their job is to guide them back. They help people recovering in rehab, and also people with injuries. It is crucial for them to understand how the process works and what needs to happen, because if the patients do not recover fully, they may injure themselves easily again.

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