
Monday, September 7, 2015

Tissue Lab

In our tissue lab we learned that the four different types of tissue each are very different looking, and have many different cells. They come in all shapes and sizes like stratified cubiodal, or simple squamous. Tissues can be found throughout the body from epithelial tissue which makes up skin, to connective tissue that holds everything, such as your organs together. After reading about tissue and cells in class, finally getting to see different types of tissue was truly amazing because their shapes were all so different. No two tissue looked a like even if they were the same kind; under the microscope, the tissues each had a unique look. In the epithelial tissue which make up the skin, I could clearly tell the where the top of the skin was and also all the layers under it. The microscopes made it easy to tell if it was stratified, pseudostratified, or simple, and if they were squamous, cuboidal, or columnar. Under the cardiac muscle slide, I saw lines of muscle together which are used to pump the blood.The tissues are awesome to examine since you can learn a lot just by looking at them.

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