
Thursday, March 17, 2016

Chicken Dissection Analysis

In our chicken dissection, we dissected a chicken and identified its muscles while comparing them to our own muscles. In the chicken, when we moved the wings we noticed that the latissimus dorsi was contracting, and so we can tell that the movement of the wings is partly controlled by the lats. At the pectoralis major, it connects to a tendon near the gluteus maximus. There the color changes from white to tan, and also the muscles moves from the origin and not the insertion. The human pectoralis major is proportionally a lot smaller than the chicken’s pectoralis major. Another size difference was the heart; while the heart is about the size of our fist, a chicken’s heart is even smaller. For its legs, the chicken was very similar to a human in that the muscle groups such as hamstrings, biceps femoris, and semimembranosus were all very close and connected.

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